Adding search engines to Opera browsers

I wanted to add new search engines to Opera.  There are a few search engines I use besides Google (as a LIS student I know should not admit to using Google, but it’s sort of like trying to avoid speaking English in an English speaking world).  Deeperweb and Harvester42 are two search engines I can recommend – they are especially good if members of the library must use Google for everything, then let it at least be using something that enriches the search.

I thought adding search engines would be difficult, and I would have to find some sort of convoluted way of finding the search address to stick in the Opera search preferences.  I spent a while trying to do this, until I hit on the smart idea of clicking the ‘Help’ button…  The answer was just a click away all the time!  The Help page Searching in Opera, gives fairly straight forward advice on how to add search engines.  Basically, just go to a search engine you want, right click in the search bar, and follow the instructions.  I found that it will include all the search engines I tried, even Custom Search Engines like the Australian Library Associations and Journals Search, and Meta search engines like Dogpile.

I don’t know how many search engines you can add, but I am going to try and find out!


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